Most people mistake allergy as viruses or bacteria causing harm to the body. The truth is allergy is the body’s response itself to allergens. Allergens can be food, fabric, plants, animals, and many others that selective people are hypersensitive of. Allergens do not affect majority of the population but is quite irritable to some individuals.
For example, cat hair does not always make people sneeze a lot and develop a runny nose. But to a person highly sensitive to such allergens, his body would react with allergies. Some allergic responses to different triggers are:
Allergies can be mild. It can also be fatal. Either deadly or not, allergy is for certain a burden for many people. How are some people more sensitive to these triggers or allergens than the others?
Allergies can be genetic. It has been found that allergic parents bear allergic children, and that allergic individuals most likely have allergic family members such as siblings. But what causes it in the first place?
The theory is that, the human body naturally fights off bacteria and viruses that could harm the immune system. However, individuals who live in overly sterilized homes or have habits that keep his body more squeaky clean than the rest of the average human beings, develop abnormal response to non-harmful substances. His body reacts to allergens as if they are dangers to the body. Because allergies differ from one person to the next, it is always best to closely coordinate with your doctor. Have emergency allergy remedies at hand – which you can get over-the-counter or with a prescription from your physician.
Allergies come in many forms. It depends on which part of the body the allergens come in contact to, and which parts of the body are hypersensitive to it. Some people are allergic in only one or a few certain areas in their external and internal bodies, while others are unfortunately allergic in more or all areas of himself.
Some types of allergies include:
Food Allergy – for most people, it is probably the most annoying allergy of all, when one cannot eat everything that his friends, family, or the masses claim to be phenomenally delicious. Common food allergies are with peanuts, milk, eggs, fish and other seafood, and soy. Food allergies can be quite serious compared to other allergies because the allergens itself are being ingested into the body and travel faster through the bloodstream. Individuals who have food allergies when they eat the food they are allergic to can fall into possibly fatal situations. They may have short breaths and possible anaphylaxis.
Skin Allergy – most common skin allergies are hives, dermatitis, and latex allergy. When skin comes in contact to bacteria that are not actually harmful to it, it reacts as if being attacked by harmful microbes thus causing redness, itchiness, and the like.
Insect Sting Allergy – some people respond severely to bee stings than the rest of the population. They may experience the same allergic reactions people have on food allergens.
Pet Allergy – a common pet allergy is associated with animal hair, especially with cats. Many individuals can develop asthma and other irritations when exposed to animals or dander from surroundings where a cat or other animals have been.
Drug Allergy – penicillin are allergens to a few number of people while it does not actually affect most of the population.
Dust Allergy – so many individuals are vulnerable to experiencing dust allergies. Whenever dust is spread around their environment i.e. when cleaning, dusting off stuff, or when walking along dusty areas, some individuals respond by immediate sneezing and possible runny nose. Others may experience itching.
Allergic Rhinitis – individuals that are susceptible to dust allergy can be easily a victim to rhinitis. They would sneeze more consistently in response to dust than their healthy human counterparts. They develop runny nose, swelling of the nasal walls and lining, and possibly sinusitis as well.
Sinusitis – sinusitis has different triggers. It could be pollen or dust and other minute substances that can irritate the sinus. The person that is exposed to his allergens may experience headaches, clogged nose, and symptoms of colds.
Eye Allergy – you probably have been with that one person whose eyes turn red or pink so easily. They could be allergic to the same things that irritate the skin of other people. Using eye drops could help ease this irritability.
We hope that this information becomes useful as you protect yourself from adverse allergic reactions. The more you know, the better you can handle your allergies.
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